Drowning A Thousand Islands (Thai subtitle)

A new documentary film launched by Action for Shan State Rivers (28 Sept 2016) reveals the unique natural beauty of the “Thousand Island” area along the Pang River tributary of the Salween, currently threatened by plans to build the giant Mong Ton dam in southern Shan State.

The film, “Drowning a Thousand Islands,” takes viewers into the remote Kunhing area of central Shan State, out of bounds for decades due to the ongoing conflict. Drone footage provides bird’s eye panoramas of hitherto unseen waterfalls, rapids and ancient temples nestled among the countless islands in the Pang river.

Local farmers and fisherfolk recount the area’s rich cultural history, and the devastating impacts of the Burma Army’s scorched earth campaigns over a decade ago, evidence of which is shown in rare archival footage. Refugees who fled to Thailand at that time, and still dare not return, are also interviewed.